Our friends and supporters [BELRAD-EN]

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Our friends and supporters

     The Institute of Radiation Safety is grateful to all its foreign partners for cooperation and support.
Due to them it becomes possible to perform actions minimizing consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP.

     Enfants de Tchernobyl Bélarus (ETB)     (France, Yves Lenoir, Michel Fernex, Wladimir Tchertkoff)     
     JANUN Hannover e.V.     (Germany, Achim Riemann)     
     Adi Roche’s “Chernobyl Children International”     (Ireland)     
      Association Belgo-Bielorusse pour les Enfants de Tchernoby     (Belgium, Charles Deleuse)     
     Women's Federation for World Peace     (Japan, Sumie Shiotani)     
     “Familias Solidarias con el Pueblo Bielorruso”     (Spain, Marcos Rubio Sicilia, Alberto Merino Miguel)     
     Verein "Tirol hilft den Kindern von Tschernobyl"      (Austria, Ludwig Knabl)     
     “ASSOCIAZIONE CICOGNASOLIDALE     (Italy, Roberto Trevisan)     
     Accueil-Sante a.s.b.l. Enfants de Tchernobyl     (Belgium, Josine Deru)     
     “Les Enfants de Tchernobyl” – a.s.b.l.     (Belgium)     
     Charitable Foundation “Aiutiamoli a vivere”     (Italy)     
     Charitable Foundation «For Recuperation of Chernobyl Children»     (Japan, Mamoru Kubota)
     SODI - Solidaritätsdienst International e.V.     (Germany, Hagen Weinberg)     
     Federación Pro Infancia Chernobyl     (Spain)     
     ASOCIACION ANIDA     (Spain)     
     Les Enfants de Tchernobyl     (France, Thiery Meyer)     
     ABAECHE     (Spain)     
10.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/28 06:00 (external edit)